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Edward Sapir Biography
Edward Sapir (pronunciation: suh PEER), (1884-1939) was an American anthropologist-linguist, a leader in American structural linguistics, and one of the creators of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. He was born in Lauenburg, Germany. He was the pupil of Franz Boas, teacher of Benjamin Whorf.

He taught at the university of Chicago and later at the university of Yale. He was one of the first who explored the relations between language studies and anthropology.

Sapir proposed an alternative view of language in 1921, asserting that language influences the ways in which people think. Sapir's idea was adopted and developed during the 1940s by Whorf and eventually became the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis.

Among the languages and cultures studied by Sapir are several Athabaskan languages, Chinook, Navajo, Nootka, Paiute, Takelma, Wishram, and Yana.

Wishram Texts (1909)
Language: An introduction to the study of speech (1921)
Nootka Texts (1939)

Essays and articles
The Function of an International Auxiliary Language
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