George Sand Biography |
Amandine-Aurore-Lucile Dupin - later Baroness Dudevant (July 1, 1804 - June 8, 1876) was a French novelist and early feminist (prior to the invention of the word), writing under the pseudonym of George Sand.
She was born in Paris. In 1822, she married Baron Casimir Dudevant, and they had two children, Maurice (b. 1823) and Solange (b. 1828). In 1835 she parted from her husband.
Her first novel, "Rose Et Blanche" (1831) was written in collaboration with Jules Sandeau, from whom she took her pen-name.
She was linked romantically with Alfred de Musset (summer 1833 - March 1834), Franz Liszt and Fr�d�ric Chopin (1838-1847) whom she met in Paris in 1831. She left Chopin shortly before he died from tuberculosis.
Her successful novels: "Indiana" (1832), "L�lia" (1833), "Mauprat" (1837), "Le Compagnon du Tour de France" (1840), "Consuelo" (1842 - 1843), "Le Meunier d'Angibault" (1845). Drawing from her childhood experiences of the countryside, she wrote the rural novels "La Mare du Diable" (1846), "Fran�ois le Champi" (1847 - 1848), "La Petite Fadette" (1849), "Les Beaux Messieurs Bois-Dore".
Her theatre pieces and autobiographical pieces, "Histoire de ma vie" (1855), "Elle et Lui" (1859) (about her affair with Musset), "Journal Intime" (posth. 1926), "Correspondance".
George Sand died at Nohant, near Chateauroux, in the Indre d�partement of France on June 8, 1876 at the age of 72. She was interred in the Cimeti�re du Montparnasse, Paris, France. |
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