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Birger Jarl Biography
Birger Jarl or Earl Birger, (1210-1266), Swedish statesman, full name Birger Magnusson of Bj�lbo, son of Magnus Minnesk�ld of Bj�lbo and Ingrid Ylva, nephew to the Earl Birger Brosa, and the most famous member of the ancient noble family of the Folkung or Folkunga�tten, which had so much to say for itself in early Swedish history. Birger was created Jarl (Earl) by King Erik Eriksson in 1248 and had earlier married the king�s sister Ingeborg Eriksdotter.

On Erik�s death in 1250 Birger�s son Valdemar was elected king while his father acted as regent. During the sixteen years of his sway Sweden advanced greatly in fame and prosperity. In 1249 he led an expedition to Finland, built the fortress of Tavastehus, and thus laid the foundations of Sweden�s oversea empire. He also built Stockholm, and enriched it by making it the chief mart for the trade of L�beck, with which city he concluded a commercial treaty. As a lawgiver Birger laboured strenuously in the interests of civilization.

Ingeborg died in 1250 and in 1261 he married the daughter of King Abel of Denmark, the queen dowager Mechtild of Holstein. There is a fine statue of the great earl in the Riddarholm church at Stockholm, erected by Fogelberg at the expense of the Over-Governor of Stockholm in 1884. He is also the central figure of Fr. Hedberg�s drama Br�llopet p� Ulf�sa (1865).

Mother unknown
Greger Birgersson

With Ingeborg Eriksdotter
Rikissa Birgersdotter, born 1238
Magnus Birgersson, born 1240, king of Sweden 1275.
Valdemar Birgersson, born 1243, king of Sweden 1250 - 1275.
Catherine Birgersdotter, born 1245
Ingeborg Birgersdotter, born ca. 1245, died 1302
Eric Birgersson, born 1250
With Mechtild
Bengt Birgersson, born 1254
Christine Birgersdotter
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