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  • Palladio, Andrea - (1508-1580), architect
  • Quigley, Derek - New Zealand politician
  • Bonestell, Chesley - (died 1986), US science fiction visual artist
  • O'Hara, Geoffrey - (1882-1967), Canadian songwriter
  • García, Fernando L. - (1929-1952) first Puerto Rican medal of honor winner
  • Behn, Aphra - (1640-1689), poet
  • Baikie, William Balfour - (1824-1864)
  • Benedict III, Pope - (pope 855-858)
  • Sallust - (86 BC-34 BC), historian
  • DeLucas, Lawrence - astronaut
  • Burnett, Frances Hodgson - author of Little Lord Fauntleroy and The Secret Garden
  • Bobko, Karol - astronaut
  • Benitez, Lucecita - singer
  • Bierce, Ambrose - (1842 - c.1914), US writer
  • Baggio, Roberto - (born 1967), Association football player
  • MacDonald, Bernell - (1950), Canadian writer
  • Warner, Mark R. - US politician
  • Backus, Jim - (died 1989), actor
  • Eric VII of Denmark - (1412-1442), Norwegian monarch
  • Butkus, Dick - (born 1942), American football player
  • James, Frank - (1843-1915), US outlaw
  • de France, Marie - poet
  • Battle, Kathleen - (born 1948), opera singer
  • O'Connor, Flannery - (1925-1964), US author
  • Lagerfeld, Karl - (born 1938), fashion designer
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